Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/new-features-feb-2013/
New Features 2013, You Asked And We Listened – below are the “major” announced updates in MarketPowerPRO MLM Software since December 20th, 2012.
If you require assistance with any of these new modules please contact your Sales Associate, Account Executive or our Customer Support department. Please note that the following updates have been deployed on “Central Source Code”. If your account is “Stand-Alone Source Code” please contact your sales associate for further information.
New Replicated Distributor Site Name and User Name Exceptions List Module Added
You may want to exclude certain replicated distributor site names from being created in your MarketPowerPRO MLM Softare such as “Support.yourdomainname.com” or “helpdesk.yourdomainname.com” or “president.yourdomainname.com” or you may want to exclude certain user names from being created such as “administrator” or “customer suppport”.
Now you can (you asked and we listened). After logging into your MarketPowerPRO software under the Company menu you will find Modules and under Modules you will find User Name Exceptions List. Click on this link to exclude certain replicated distributor site names or usernames.
New Commission Trust Account Module Added
Do you wonder how much of your total volume allocated to commissions has not been paid out? This is termed “breakage” however it’s really the distributors commissions and as such should be set aside to be paid out to distributors as commissions. Often you have had to run sales reports and then manually compute the commission values then deduct what you actually paid out in commissions, an often time consuming task.
Introducing the MarketPowerPRO “CTA, Commission Trust Account” Module. If this module is not on your start (admin login) page simply go to Edit Layout, Edit Shared Layout, Create New Module, Select Commission Trust Account from the drop-down and add it into a content page. Anytime a sale is made or commissions are paid out this module will update with a lifetime balance of your commission trust account balance.
New Company Can Not Sell Feature / Benefit
Recently a number of clients have asked for a method for visitors to non-replicated distributors websites to “force” a sponsor of the visitor before the visitor can purchase. This stops the company from selling directly to the public thus causing channel competition. MultiSoft and MarketPowerPRO have now implemented the “Company Can Not Sell” module feature / benefit. As this is a “MultiSoft Admin Only” setting please contact your Sales Associate, Account Executive or our Customer Support department (no charge for central source client systems).
New Per Page Search Engine Optimization Settings
As the search engines constantly fine tune their behavior for how they rank and list sites it has been determined that having “Global Meta Data” for your website is no longer enough and that each page should be properly META tagged for Search Engine Optimization. As such MarketPowerPRO has implemented Search Engine Optimization per page settings. To change the META data on a page by page level simply click on Edit Layout, Edit Page settings on each page in your site and scroll to the bottom. Check the box of the META data you wish to override and type in the information. Don’t worry, if you want to change back to the global META data simply uncheck the box next to the META data and the Global SEO settings for the META data will return. In the near future MarketPowerPRO will be updated at the “Product” level to allow settings of META Data on a product-by-product basis. Watch the video here.
New Unilevel Volume Leg Viewer
It’s time that someone turn the industry on it’s head with new genealogy viewers! MarketPowerPRO and MultiSoft have stepped up to the plate and hit a home-run with our new “Unilevel Volume Leg Viewer”. In addition to your distributors looking at “levels” of commissions they can now look at their “volume per personally sponsored distributor” on a “vertical” basis instead of a “horizontal” basis. Not only can your distributors see their personally sponsored distributors volume leg by leg they can see both the sales volume and the commission volume on a “commission period by period” even “looking back in time” but they can also see that distributors personally sponsored distributors volume. Distributors can now filter by distributors that have “no volume” in order to know which distributors of theirs they should focus their time and attention on to help grow their organization. If you would like to have this new module added please contact your Sales Associate, Account Executive or our Customer Support department (no charge for central source client systems).
Thank you,
MultiSoft Corporation
Look for new announcements in the coming weeks as MultiSoft and MarketPowerPRO has something exciting in the works for the business owners of MarketPowerPRO that will be “cutting edge cool”!!
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