Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/leaderboards-improved-with-more-information/
If you’ve looked at your leaderboard in the back office in the last few days you may have noticed a change. Leaderboards are a great way to show your distributors where they are in the ‘pack’ so to speak. Leaderboards help create and encourage a friendly competition with other distributors to be the “number 1” distributor and in turn generate additional sales and recruitment for the organization as a whole.
Until now, leaderboards would display a numerical rank and distributor name listing of the top 100 performers for distributors enrolled, customers enrolled, customer sales as well as income earners. Now, we’ve added a field to display their Rank Title. Rank Title gives another bit of information that could show weak performers that the pro’s really aren’t that different from themselves and in turn help motivate them to step up their game!

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