Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/dynamic-shopping-cart-tabs/
We are pleased to inform you that MultiSoft continues to add value to the MarketPowerPRO MLM Software system and today we introduced a new Dynamic Shopping Cart Tabs system. This is similar to the types of tabs you would find in big-box online systems such as BestBuy, Target, Walmart, and Amazon.
You will find this new benefit in the menu /sub-menu under Product, Product Management, Product Tabs Settings. Note, if you are on a dedicated version of MarketPowerPRO not on central source code due to specific code changes for your company please contact your MultiSoft Account Executive to determine if this enhancement can be added to your version of MarketPowerPRO.
Why did we introduce this new feature? Long before Vemma became headline news for focusing on recruiting instead of selling products and services (note, the jury is still out on this case and for the sake of the Network Marketing Industry we hope it is a positive one for Vemma, BK Boreko and the entire industry), MultiSoft and MarketPowerPRO have focused on the “Customer Buying / Distributor Retail Sales Experience” as this is how direct sales companies should be making sales and generating profits. We believe MarketPowerPRO has the best shopping cart system for the direct sales, MLM, MultiLevelMarketing buyer experience on the market today.
MarketPowerPRO Introduces “Dynamic Shopping Cart Tabs” – now you can add more to enhance the value of the shopper’s experience. You can add tabs, select which tabs you want showing for which products, drag and drop to re-order the tabs on a product by product basis and add just about any type of content you want to the tabs including videos, text, images, documents, social media and much more. As “brand awareness” in the social space we live and shop in today becomes more and more important you can also add “Ratings and Reviews” into one of your tabs. Note, MarketPowerPRO and MultiSoft does not provide “Ratings and Reviews” but rather we recommend you use a company that specializes in “Ratings and Reviews” such as either http://www.rating-system.com/ or http://www.yotpo.com/.
For more information on the MarketPowerPRO “Dynamic Shopping Cart Tabs” system go directly to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-bZd7AVoBU&feature=youtu.be
If you have further improvements you would like to see added to the MarketPowerPRO MLM Software system please make a suggestion in a Help Desk Ticket and ask that it be forwarded to Robert and Amit. Thank you and stay tuned for more updates from MultiSoft Corporation and MarketPowerPRO.
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