Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/shopping-cart-updates/
We continue to see changes in the network marketing / multi-level marketing (MLM) industry including moving more towards online retail due to the increased comfort with online shopping, the increased use of social media, online reviews and comparison shopping. As such MultiSoft Corporation continues to enhance it’s MLM Software specifically in the area of the shopping cart giving our clients greater control and flexibility and improve the ease and comfort for your customers and distributors to shop in your website / store.
Update – Shopping Cart Search Enhancement
Your MarketPowerPRO Shopping Cart search feature has been enhanced to search for the following by customers and / or distributors:
- Product Name
- Product Code
- SKU Name
- SKU Code
- Product Short Description
- Product Long DescriptionM IPSUM DELOR
New – Shopping Cart Add to Cart Selector
In order to provide our clients with more flexibility in their shopping cart system we continuously look to the big-box online shopping cart systems such as Amazon, BestBuy, Walmart, Target, etc. to see how they are enhancing their customers shopping cart experience. We have added the ability for you to determine how visitors to your website shopping cart select the quantity of items they add to their shopping cart by providing you with three methods of quantity selections. In addition to the standard enter quantity we have added two new features including increase / decrease quantities and a drop-down quantity seletor.
You can find this new feature in the Company / Modules / Invoice and Shopping Cart settings or Company / Modules / Shopping and Shopping Cart settings. If you have any questions about this new feature don’t hesitate to contact your account executive or our customer support department or submit a ticket via our help desk.
New – Shopping Cart Minimum / Maximum Purchase
We have added the ability for you to set minimum and maximum purchase amounts in the shopping cart and distributor enrollment areas. This new feature will serve to benefit clients who have maximum credit card limits set by their payment gateway / merchant account provider. Additionally minimum purchase / sales amounts can be set for customer purchases for distributor rank qualification. This also serves clients who are concerned about recent court cases where large purchases are being made by distributors to qualify for commissions and rank advancements; such concerns can now be aleviated by setting maximum shopping cart purchase limits.
You can find this new feature in the Company / Modules / Invoice and Shopping Cart settings or Company / Modules / Shopping and Shopping Cart settings. If you have any questions about this new feature don’t hesitate to contact your account executive or our customer support department or submit a ticket via our help desk.
Are you sharing the MarketPowerPRO improvements, enhancements, benefits and features onto your distributors on a consistent basis through weekly newsletters and conference calls? Momentum in network marketing is “communication” – communicating with your sales force organization and what a better way to do it by simply re-posting the MarketPowerPRO “Here We Grow Again” updates in your back office or your help desk or sending as a newsletter. You can take full ownership of the notices – no need to refer to MultiSoft or MarketPowerPRO – we want to help you keep your sales organization motivated and you can do it by keeping them up to date on your back office and website / software enhancements and new features.
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More Resources For You:
Are you considering starting an MLM? Try a FREE 5 Day Demo of the Best MLM Software right here
What resources are you going to need to launch your MLM Company? From Consulting to Merchant Accounts, Legal to Sales Tax, Public Speaking to Warehousing / Logistics, and more...
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