Shopping Cart and Cart Settings

Shopping Cart and Cart Settings

The MarketPowerPRO Shopping Cart system displays items with extensive descriptions, full colour images, and detailed pricing information.
Locating items of interest is made easy by placing your items in a categorized system. Customers can even search for items by specific brands.

Adding products, SKUs, Branded groups, and even special offers is managed via the Products area with a simple process to get your items online, quickly and easily.

Multiple product discounts, Shipping weights and measures, payment options, and even incorporating the items in to your compensation plan are just a few of the features that you can assign to each product with a click of the button.

The Shopping Cart system is the front line of your product sales team and MarketPowerPRO is equipped with an easy to use system that will be sure to present your company in a professional and helpful manner.

Invoice And Shopping Cart Settings

  •  Shopping Cart Settings: Click Here
  •  Registration office/company/VAT: Click Here
  • Tax Shipping
  • Package and handling
  • Serial Number
  • Records Per Page: Click Here
  • Short Description: Click Here
  • Display add to cart before/after description: Click Here
  • Add Tax to prices in Cart and Enrollment for display purposes
  • Add an “Add To Cart” button: Click Here
  • Diaply Tax included, percentage, Dollar amount column in Check out page and invoices
  • Display Product Name, Code, SKU Name SKU Code, sales Price, Ponits and SKU description deatil page: Click Here
  • Display retail price, you save, thumbnail in shopping cart: Click Here
  • Display search by brand/categories: Click Here
  • Display in Product Share With A Friend: Click Here
  • Display print catalog, back to catalog, preferred customer price: Click Here
  • Display Commission Value column in Shopping cart, anonymous, registered users, customers, distributors: Click Here
  • Enter quick shop column: Click Here
  • Quick Shop SKU sort orer: Click Here
  •  Custom Attribute Inventory: Click Here

Product Sort Order (in Category View)__

Price Method to Display for SKU’s at “Product” Level View:

  • Display Lowest Price SKU related to the Product Displayed*: Click Here
  • Display Highest to Lowest Price SKU related to the product Displayed*: Click Here
  •  Alphabetical by SKU Name: Click Here
  • Alphabetical by SKU code: Click Here
  • Display Highest to Lowest Price*: Click Here
  • Lowest to Highest Cost* Click Here

Shipping Method Sort Order

Display Quantity In Stock in Cart at Product Detail/SKU View (check for yes, Un-Check for No)

  • Current In-Stock Before Pending Orders
  • Current In-Stock After Pending Orders
  • Include Taxes in PSV and SV values
  •  Display Social Media Share with a Friend Under Product Image in Product Detail : Click Here
  •  Display BCV,BUV,MCV,MUV,UCV,UUV: Click Here
  •  Select Add to Cart Format: Click Here
  •  add phone# and email on reciept: Click Here

Simplified Shopping Cart Settings:

Cancel/ Refund Days Settings

On add to cart do the following:

  •  Change Add To Cart Action: Click Here
  •  Include Quantity for Single SKU Purchase: Click Here
  •  Show SKU Name only in Shopping cart (checkout): Click Here
  •  Hide Short Description in Shopping Cart (View Cart page): Click Here