Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/recurring-calendar-events/
In a recent enhancement, we have added new features to the calendar and event management system.
The new meeting and event system has been redesigned to be much more visual to improve aesthetics and to improve the user-friendliness of the system. Something that’s more interesting for you and your distributors though is the new ability to create recurring meetings, conference calls, or other events. Recurring regular meetings and conferences are essential for network marketing companies to stay engaged with their distributors and keep them focused.
Watch the video below from MultiSoft President, Robert Proctor about the new features and how to start creating and holding your own recurring meetings, events, and conference calls.
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Robert Proctor's Blog
- Skype: multisoftrob
- Email: [email protected]
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- Office: +1-239-945-6433
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