Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/new-improved-helpdesk/
Have You Seen The New MultiSoft Helpdesk System? You may have noticed recently that the helpdesk system you normally log into to create helpdesk tickets has changed. Today, we’d like to talk a little bit about the changes and what you can expect in the near future.
When you go to our helpdesk.multisoft.com site, you will find that you are re-directed to the new helpdesk system. Instead of continuing to rely on third-party options that didn’t allow us the flexibility we needed to serve our clients best, we’ve built our new helpdesk system entirely in-house. Your existing helpdesk credentials will log you into the new system where you will find all of your prior tickets as well as be able to submit new tickets.
In this system we have included a project management system, an internal task management system, the onboarding system you are already familiar with, a call logging system that we use for contacting our clients each week, the ability to manage multiple companies, users, roles, a news system, and to be added over the coming months a live chat and calendar system.
Once testing has been completed, we will be rolling this out as a new product that you may be interested in licensing to manage your customers and distributors and will be on par or better than Kayako or Zendesk, and will include features similar to those found in basecamp and highrise.
We’re confident in our new system but if you have any issues, we urge you to submit a trouble ticket or call our customer service so that it can be addressed and improved upon. Likewise, we welcome your feedback and any suggestions for new features you would like to see implemented.
To check out our new helpdesk system now, click on the link below!
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Robert Proctor's Blog
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