Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/new-feature-leader-board/
A new feature has been added to your distributor’s back office titled “Leader Board”. The Leader Board provides an area to display the top leaders within an organization.
This appears on the left side menu under “My Back Office” with the rocket ship icon; note, you can change the text or icon associated with this. Clicking on this link will display up to 100 distributors in your organization with the number of Distributors Enrolled and the ranking of distributors that have the most number of lifetime personally enrolled distributors. This new feature/module/report also shows the flag of the country that the distributor is in; if you are operating internationally this becomes quite exciting. Note, if you do not wish this menu item/module to show in your back office you can edit the menu on the left side of your Back Office and disable the menu. Note, all of the text in the top of the module, such as “Your Company Name is Breaking Records” is editable in the language translations area of the website.
We hope you and your distributors enjoy this new module enhancement to your / their back office.
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