Would You Like a Module Where You Can View Your Personally Sponsored Distributor(s) Information? The My Direct Distributors Module Has Arrived!
Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog: https://www.multisoft.com/my-direct-distributors-module-has-arrived/
Today we’re introducing a brand new module that we’ve been developing to give you more information about your personally sponsored distributors. The new module provides information such as their name, contact information, location, join date, their count of personally sponsored customers and distributors, their social media sites, birthdate, rank and more!

In addition, you’ll have the ability to filter by factors such as their compensation plan rank, as well as adjust the sort order of your results or search by specific variables like the distributor’s name, location, or birth date.
The new Direct Distributors module has already been implemented in active MarketPowerPRO Systems. We were so excited to show you this update, we don’t yet have a how-to video for you, but stay tuned next week!
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