The Market Power Pro Enterprise (MPPE) API allows MLM clients to process their own web-based application for e-commerce transactions.

Base on the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) standard. MPPE API use XML messages to pass request(s) and response(s) build within MLM Client’s website.


Authentication of client using the API is a hash key that is passed in the request. The hash key is given to each MLM client implementing MPPE API. The hash key is unique per MLM client.


Access MPPE API by sending request message(s) in plain-text XML format. Methods of generating XML messages vary, but each message must be formatted properly.

Each request begins with an HTTP header and includes the operation’s corresponding XML element wrapped in a SOAP envelope and body.

HTTP Header

An HTTP header precedes the request message. MPPE API request message use the following Header:

Length is the message length in bytes and Method is name of the requested MPPE API Method.

SOAP Envelope / Body

The request message is wrapped in a SOAP envelope and body using the following XML structure:

<Method> is the XML element corresponding to the requested operation.

Method Format

The method XML element corresponds to a MPPE API method. The method element is nested in the <soap:Body> element, and includes XML elements for each of the input parameters required by the operation. MPPE API methods use the following XML structure:

<MethodName> is the name of the MPPE API Method. Input values for each parameter are nested in the XML tag corresponding to the parameter name.

Sample Message

The following sample request message uses the GetCountries method:


A response message provides the result(s) of the operation requested in the corresponding request message.  Response messages are returned in plain-test XML format. Each response begins with an HTPP header and includes the operation’s corresponding XML element wrapped in a SOAP envelope and body.

HTTP Header

An HTTP header precedes the response message. MPPE API response messages use the following HTTP Header:

Length is the response message length in bytes.

SOAP Envelope / Body

The request message is wrapped in a SOAP envelope and body using the following XML structure:

is the XML element corresponding to the requested method.

Method Response Format

The method XML element corresponds to a MPPE API method. The method element is nested in the <soap:Bodyelement, and includes element(s) for each of the output parameter(s) given by the method. Response message(s) for MPPE API methods use the following XML structure.

<MethodNameResponse> is the name of MPPE API Response method.

The XML tag used to deliver the method response includes Response name in the tag name.  For Example, when GetCountries is used in the request message, GetCountriesResponse is used in the response message. 
Additionally, response message include the result XML tag, which in turn includes the response parameter elements. The name of the result tag is the operation name followed by Result. For example, the GetContriesResult tag contains the response parameter for the GetCountries operation. Output values for each parameter are nested in the XML tag corresponding to parameter name.

Sample Message



url -> client_website/Modules/MLM/WebServices/MPPE/MPPEWebServices/WSMppeAPI.asmx



Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
accountNumber Yes String Customer account number
customerType Optional Integer Customer type in integer format
APIStatus Optional String Customer’s API Status
sponsorId Yes Guid Customer’s Sponsor Guid
firstName Yes String Customer’s First Name
lastName Yes String Customer’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Optional String Customer’s SSN Tax Number
BusinessTaxID Optional String Customer’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Customer’s Nick Name
password Yes String Customer’s Password
email Yes String Customer’s Email
website Yes String Customer’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Customer’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Customer’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Customer’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Yes String Customer’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Customer’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Customer’s cell Number
fax Optional String Customer’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Customer’s Salutation
middleName Yes String Customer’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Customer’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Customer’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Customer’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Customer’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Customer’s IMode
company Optional String Customer’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Customer’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Customer’s City
ShippingAddress1 Yes String Customer’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Customer’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Yes String Customer’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Yes String Customer’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Customer’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Customer’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Customer’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Customer’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Customer’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Customer’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Customer’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Customer’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Customer’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Customer’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Customer’s RSS Feed ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if customer will be added in binary tree: True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if customer will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if customer will be added in unilevel tree: True or False
addressName Optional String Customer’s address name
county Optional String Customer’s County

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
accountNumber Yes String Customer Account Number
customerType Yes Integer Customer Type in Integer format
APIStatus Optional String Customer’s API Status
sponsorId Yes Guid Customer’s Sponsor Guid
firstName Yes String Customer’s First Name
lastName Yes String Customer’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Optional String Customer’s SSN Tax Number
BusinessTaxID Optional String Customer’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Customer’s Nick Name
password Yes String Customer’s Password
email Yes String Customer’s Email
website Yes String Customer’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Customer’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Customer’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Customer’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Yes String Customer’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Customer’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Customer’s cell Number
fax Optional String Customer’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Customer’s Salutation
middleName Optional String Customer’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Customer’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Customer’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Customer’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Customer’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Customer’s IMode
company Optional String Customer’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Customer’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Customer’s City
ShippingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Optional String Customer’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Optional String Customer’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Customer’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Customer’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Customer’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Customer’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Customer’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Customer’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Customer’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Customer’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Customer’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Customer’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Customer’s RSS Feed ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if customer will be added in binary tree:True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if customer will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if customer will be added in unilevel tree: True or False
addressName Optional String Customer’s Address Name
county Optional String Customer’s County
eWalletFourDigitPIN Yes String Customer’s four(4) digit PIN code
eWalletSecretQuestionForPIN Yes String Customer’s secret question for the PIN
eWalletSecretAnswerForPIN Yes String Customer’s secret answer for the PIN

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
accountNumber Yes String Distributor’s Account Number
sponsorId Yes Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Guid
firstName Yes String Distributor’s First Name
lastName Yes String Distributor’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Yes String Distributor’s SSN Tax Number
SSNTaxOption Optional String SSN Tax Option Code
BusinessTaxID Optional String Distributor’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Distributor’s Nick Name
password Yes String Distributor’s Password
email Yes String Distributor’s Email
website Yes String Distributor’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Distributor’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Distributor’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Distributor’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Optional String Distributor’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Distributor’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Distributor’s cell Number
fax Optional String Distributor’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Distributor’s Salutation
middleName Optional String Distributor’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Distributor’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Distributor’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Distributor’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Distributor’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Distributor’s IMode
company Optional String Distributor’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Distributor’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Distributor’s City
ShippingAddress1 Yes String Distributor’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Distributor’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Distributor’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Distributor’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Distributor’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Distributor’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Yes String Distributor’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Distributor’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Yes String Distributor’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Distributor’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Distributor’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Distributor’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Distributor’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Distributor’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Distributor’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Distributor’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Distributor’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Distributor’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Distributor’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Distributor’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Distributor’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Distributor’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Distributor’s RSS Feed ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if Distributor will be added in binary tree: True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if Distributor will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if Distributor will be added in unilevel tree: True or False
addressName Optional String Distributor’s Address Name
county Optional String Distributor’s County
SSNTaxOption Optional String SSN Tax Option Code
CommissionPaymentMethodId Yes Integer Distributor’s Commission Method ID
UserSiteName Optional String Distributor Site name
freeMemberStatus Yes Boolean Either 1 or 0, indicate if free member or not
freeMemberReason Optional String Reason for being free member
freeMemberName Optional String Free Member Name
freeMemberDate Yes Date Free Membership Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
roleId Yes Integer Integer value representing Role Id
binaryPrefferSide Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Binary
matrixPrefferSide Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Matrix
spillingDirections Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Unilevel

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process
Output Guid Guid of the new Distributor



Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
userId Yes Guid User Id in Guid
number Yes String Item Number
subTotal Yes Decimal Order Sub-Total
shippingTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Shipping Total
handlingFee Yes Decimal Order’s Handling Fee
taxTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Total Tax
total Yes Decimal Order’s Total
paidSum Yes Decimal Order’s Paid Amount
discountSum Yes Decimal Order’s Discount Amount
pAndHTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Package and Handling Fee
giftCertificateSum Yes Decimal Gift Certificate Total Used
reedemPayedSum Yes Decimal Total Redeem Amount
OrderNotes Yes String Order’s Notes
matIncomeCenterId Yes Integer Matrix Income Center Id
salesTaxTransactionId Yes Decimal Transaction Id for Tax
realTimeTaxIntegration Yes Boolean if order used is real time integration, value either 1 or 0
totalWeightofOrderItems Yes Double Total Weight of Order’s Items
origination Yes String Where the package originate
dropShippingFee Yes Decimal Amount to be drop on shipping fee

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Rowcount String Returns number of rows affected


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
userId Yes Guid User Id in Guid
number Yes String Item Number
subTotal Yes Decimal Order Sub-Total
shippingTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Shipping Total
handlingFee Yes Decimal Order’s Handling Fee
taxTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Total Tax
total Yes Decimal Order’s Total
paidSum Yes Decimal Order’s Paid Amount
discountSum Yes Decimal Order’s Discount Amount
pAndHTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Package and Handling Fee
giftCertificateSum Yes Decimal Gift Certificate Total Used
reedemPayedSum Yes Decimal Total Redeem Amount
OrderNotes Yes String Order’s Notes
matIncomeCenterId Yes Integer Matrix Income Center Id
salesTaxTransactionId Yes Decimal Transaction Id for Tax
realTimeTaxIntegration Yes Boolean if order used is real time integration, value either 1 or 0
totalWeightofOrderItems Yes Double Total Weight of Order’s Items
origination Yes String Where the package originate
dropShippingFee Yes Decimal Amount to be drop on shipping fee

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Rowcount String Returns number of rows affected


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
OrderId Yes Integer Order ID
OrderDate Yes Date Payment Date
Total Yes Decimal Total Payment Amount
UserId Yes Guid User ID in Guid

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
orderId Yes Integer Order ID
sKUId Yes Guid SKU ID
quantity Yes Integer Quantity
freeQuantiy Yes Integer Number of Items for Free
remains Yes Integer Quantity Remains
freeItem Yes Boolean if SKU is free item, value either 1 or 0
price Yes Decimal Price of SKU
discountSum Yes Decimal Discount of SKU
wholesalePrice Yes Decimal Wholesale Price of SKU
binComValue Yes Decimal Binary Commission Value for SKU
matComValue Yes Decimal Matrix Commission Value for SKU
uniComValue Yes Decimal Unilevel Commission Value for SKU
binPointsEarned Yes Decimal Binary Points Earned for SKU
matPointsEarned Yes Decimal Matrix Points Earned for SKU
uniPointsEarned Yes Decimal Unilevel Points Earned for SKU
ABP Yes Decimal Affilate Base Price

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
userId Yes Guid User Id in Guid
number Yes String Item Number
subTotal Yes Decimal Order Sub-Total
shippingTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Shipping Total
handlingFee Yes Decimal Order’s Handling Fee
taxTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Total Tax
total Yes Decimal Order’s Total
paidSum Yes Decimal Order’s Paid Amount
discountSum Yes Decimal Order’s Discount Amount
pAndHTotal Yes Decimal Order’s Package and Handling Fee
giftCertificateSum Yes Decimal Gift Certificate Total Used
reedemPayedSum Yes Decimal Total Redeem Amount
OrderNotes Yes String Order’s Notes
OrderDate Yes Date Order Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
matIncomeCenterId Yes Integer Matrix Income Center Id
salesTaxTransactionId Yes Decimal Transaction Id for Tax
realTimeTaxIntegration Yes Boolean if order used is real time integration, value either 1 or 0
totalWeightofOrderItems Yes Double Total Weight of Order’s Items
origination Yes String Where the package originate
dropShippingFee Yes Decimal Amount to be drop on shipping fee

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
rowcount String Returns number of rows affected


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
SiteName Yes String User’s site name

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Return a message if exist or not exist


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
UserId Yes Guid User Id in Guid
userType Yes String User type

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
CommonId Yes Long User’s common Id

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsDeleted Boolean Indicator if distributor is deleted: True or False
CommonId Long Distributor’s Common Id
SponsorId Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Id
PrefferSideBinary String If the distributor is in Binary
PrefferSideMatrix String If the distributor is in Matrix
Message String Distributor’s status: active or deleted


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
UserGuid Yes Guid Distributor’s Guid Id

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsDeleted Boolean Indicator if distributor is deleted: True or False
CommonId Long Distributor’s Common Id
SponsorId Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Id
PrefferSideBinary String If the distributor is in Binary
PrefferSideMatrix String If the distributor is in Matrix
Message String Distributor’s status: active or deleted


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
userId Yes Guid User Id in Guid

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsBillingAddress Boolean If this is Billing Address: True or False
ItemId Integer Reference Item Id
County String County Name
UserId Guid User’s Guid Id
FirstName String User’s First Name
LastName String User’s Last Name
PhoneNumber String User’s Phone Number
FaxNumber String User’s Fax Number
Company String User’s Company Name
Address1 String User’s Address 1
Address2 String User’s Address 2
AddressName String User’s Address Name
City String User’s City
CountryId Guid User’s Country Id in Guid
RegionId Guid User’s Region Id in Guid
Postal Code String User’s Postal Code
IsPrimary Boolean If this is Primary Billing Address: True or False
AddressName String User’s Address Name
CountryText String User’s Country Name
RegionText String User’s Region Name
RowNum Integer Record Row Number
TotalRows Integer Total No. of Addresses
ActualAddressName String User’s  Actual Address Name
IsPhoneVisible Boolean If Phone Info is Visible: True or False
IsFaxVisible Boolean If Fax Information is Visible: True or False
IsCompanyVisible Boolean If Company Information is Visible: True or False


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
Invoke N/A N/A Invoke Button

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Key xsi Integer Key integer reference
Value xsi String String value of the key integer


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
ItemId Integer Id reference if the Item
Name String Commission Payment Method Name
PaymentType String Percentage or DollarAmount or NoCharge
PercentageCommission Decimal Commission Payment Method’s percentage calculation
DollarAmount Decimal Commission Payment Method’s Dollar Amount
Active Boolean If the Commission Payment is active: True or False
Default Boolean If the Commission Payment is in Default: True or False
Description String Commission Payment Method’s description
CommissionDescriptionCurrency String Commission Payment Method’s currency
MinimumCommissionAmount Decimal Minimum Commission Payment Method’s amount
RowNum Integer Record Row Number
TotalRows Integer Total number of Commission Payment


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsBeneficary Boolean If Countries is Beneficary: True or False
ExcludeRegionForView Boolean If Region is Excluded to View: True or False
ExlcludeRegionForRegistration Boolean If Region for Registration is Excluded: True or False
ItemId Guid Guid reference Id of a country
Name String Country Name
Code String Country Code
ISOCode String Country ISO Code
RowNum Integer Record Row Number
CountryCode3 String Commission Payment Method’s currency
MinimumCommissionAmount Decimal Minimum Commission Payment Method’s amount
RowNum Integer Record Row Number
CountryCode3 String Country Code
TotalRows Integer Total Number of Countries
IsEnable Boolean Is country is Enable, value either true or False
AreaCode Integer Country Area Code
PhoneCode Integer Country’s Phone Code
Priority Integer Priority number of a country


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid
CommonID Yes Integer Customer Common ID

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsMobile Boolean Is customer uses mobile version of the site, Value either true or false
CommonID Integer Customer Common Id
SiteName String Customer Site Name
SponsorGuid Guid Sponsor ID in Guid
WebSite String Customer Website
ActiveByPlacedOrder Boolean Is customer Active by Placement order, Value either true or false


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
UpgradeSKURank Integer Upgrade SKU Rank
MinimumOrderQuantity Integer Minimum Order Quantity
MaximumOrderQuantity Integer SKU’s Maximum Order Quantity
MustBeBinaryActivated Boolean If SKU must Be Binary Activated: True or False
OrderSettingNumber String Order Setting Number
HealthBuilderActivationPack1 Boolean If Health Builder Activation Pack2: True or False
HealthBuilderActivationPack2 Boolean If Health Builder Activation Pack2: True or False
HealthBuilderActivationUpgrade Boolean If Health Builder Activation Upgrade: True or False
DistributorSuccessKit Boolean If Distributor Success Kit: True or False
TrainingFee Boolean SKU Training Fee: True or False
BackOfficeFeeProduct Boolean If BackOffice Fee Product: True or False
RepurchaseProduct Boolean If SKU is Repurchase Product: True or False
IsCommissionable Boolean If Commissionable on SKU: True or False
ItemId Guid SKU Item ID
ProductId Guid Product Id
TextOnReceiptPage String SKU’s Text On Receipt Page
ShowOnReceiptPage Boolean If SKU is Shown on Receipt Page: True or False
SKU String Single Keeping Unit
Name String SKU Name
SKUFullName String Full SKU Name
Visible Boolean show SKU: True or False
IsSeasonal Boolean If SKU is Seasonal: True or False
AddDate Date Date when sku added
AllowedOnlyForMotivationRules Boolean If Allowed Only For Motivation Rules: True or False
ProductTypeId String SKU’s product Type Id
IsBinaryActivated Boolean If Binary Activated on SKU: True or False
IsDisplayInActivationRule Boolean If Display In Activation Rule: True or False
RowNum Integer Row number of SKU
TotalRows Integer Total number of SKUs
SalePrice Decimal SKU’s sale price
SRPrice Decimal SKU’s Suggested Retail Price
WholeSalePrice Decimal SKU’s Wholesale Price
PreferredPrice Decimal SKU’s Preferred Price
CountryId Guid Country ID
IsAddToCart Boolean If will be added to Cart: True or False
IsAddToWishList Boolean If will be Added to Wish List: True or False
IsAutoShip Boolean If SKU was on Autoship: True or False: True or False
SelfLife Integer SKU self-Life
IsDisplayInUpgradeModule Boolean If Display In Upgrade Module, Value either true or false
BCV Decimal BCV
UCV Decimal UCV
MCV Decimal MCV
IsNoShippingInvolved Boolean If No Shipping Involved on SKU, Value either true or false
Price Decimal Price
skuMDCategoryId Guid SKU’s MD Category Id
ShowSKUToUserByRole Integer Show SKU To User By Role
DoNotAllowItemQtyChange Boolean If Do Not Allow Item Quantity Change on SKU: True or False
IsAutoshipAvailable Boolean If Autoship Available on SKU: True or False
IsAvailableForAssociatedSku Boolean If Available For Associated Sku on SKU: True or False
HasAssociatedSKU Boolean If Has Associated SKU: True or False
TurnOffAutoShipConfiguration Boolean To turn off or on the Autoship configuration: True or False
IsForceAutoship Boolean If Force Autoship on SKU: True or False
BuyNowPath String Buy Now Path
IsCarboniteService Boolean If Carbonite Service on SKU: True or False
RegCode String Registration Code
IsLegtricity Boolean If Legtricity is on SKU: True or False
ContactedMembershipId Integer Contacted Membership Id
IsMobile Boolean If Mobile is on SKU: True or False
SinglePagePurchase Boolean Set SKU on Single Page Purchase: True or False
IsProductFinanceAvailable Boolean If Product Finance Available on SKU: True or False
IsAutoshipItemEdit Boolean If Autoship Item was edited on SKU: True or False
IsAutoshipItemDelete Boolean If Autoship Item was Deleted on SKU: True or False
IsMyBuilder Boolean If SKU is my Builder: True or False
Duration Integer SKU’s duration
DurationType String SKU’s duration Type
CurrentRemains Long SKU’s current remains
MaximumOrderQuantityTextbox Long Maximum quantity of the SKU’s order
CurrentPending Long Current Pending SKU
EarnableCredit Integer Earnable Credit on SKU
IsEarnable Boolean If Earnable on SKU: True or False
IsNonTaxable Boolean If SKU is non-taxable: True or False
ExculdeFromDistributorView Boolean If SKU is Excluded From Distributor View: True or False
IsFlagship Boolean If SKU have Flagship: True or False
IsTrialperiod Boolean If SKU is on trial period: True or False
IsAllowOnlyOneSku Boolean If Allow Only One SKU: True or False
TrackingCredits Integer SKU’s Tracking Credits
CurrentRemainsFromWareHouse Integer Current SKU Remaining from warehouse
CurrentRemainsToWareHouse Integer Current SKU Remaining to warehouse
IsDisplayMultiTieredFSB Boolean If Display Multi-Tiered FSB on SKU: True or False
OrderDate Date SKU’s order date
TaxablePercentage Decimal SKU’s Taxable percentage value
IsJumpStartBonus Boolean If SKU have jump start bonus
IsDiscountable Boolean If SKU can have discounts
ShoppingDiscountType String Shopping discount type name
ShoppingDiscountPercentage Decimal Shopping discount percentage value
PriceAfterShoppingDiscount Decimal Price after shopping discount value
ReduceCVBySameDiscPercent Boolean Reduce CV by same discount percentage value
UCVAfterDiscount Decimal UCV after discount value
BCVAfterDiscount Decimal BCV after discount value
MCVAfterDiscount Decimal MCV after discount value
ReducePVBySameDiscPercent Boolean Reduce PV by same discount percentage value
TaxCode String Tax code value
IsMultiPackage Boolean If SKU is a multi-package: True or False
IsCABSubscriptionSKU Boolean If SKU is a CAB Subscription: True or False
EnableMaxPurchases Boolean If SKU will enable max purchases: True or False
MaxPurchases Long Max purchases value
EnableHideAfterEnrollment Boolean If enable hide after enrolment: True or False
HideAfterEnrollmentFrequencyValue Integer Hide after enrolment frequency value
HideAfterEnrollmentFrequencyType Integer Hide after enrolment frequency type name
EnableMaxProductPurchases Boolean If enable max product purchases on SKU: True or False
ProductEnableHideAfterEnrollment Boolean If product enable hide after enrolment: True or False
chkIsEnable Boolean If Order SKU item is enable: True or False
btnAddtoCartIsVisible Boolean If the add to cart button is visible: True or False
IsPointsAccumulationBonusSKU Boolean If SKU have point(s) accumulation bonus: True or False
IsProPay Boolean If SKU is a pro pay: True or False
CarBonus Boolean If SKU have car bonus: True or False
IsRenewal Boolean If SKU have renewal: True or False
RenewalDuration Integer Renewal duration value
RenewalDurationType String Renewal duration type name
WaiveSKUPriceValidation Boolean Waive a SKU price validation: True or False
EnableTT Boolean If enable TT on SKU
TTDuration Integer TT duration value
TTDurationType String TT duration type name
Description String SKU’s description
IsUnAvailableForUnilevel Boolean If SKU is available for Unilevel: True or False
IsUnAvailableForBinary Boolean If SKU is available for Binary: True or False
IsUnAvailableForMatrix Boolean If SKU is available for Matrix: True or False
IsCoin Boolean If SKU have coin: True or False
IsSellable Boolean If SKU is sellable: True or False
CoinValue Decimal Coin value
CoinAccrualStart Integer Coin accrual start value
CoinAccrualEnd Integer Coin accrual end value
DailyAccrualCoinValue Decimal Daily accrual coin value


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid
countryInfoItemId Yes Guid Country Guid ID

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
ItemId Guid Region’s Item Id
CountryId Guid Region’s Country ID in Guid
Name String Region Name
Code String Region Code


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid
SKU Yes String SKU

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
userId Yes Guid User ID in Guid format

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsAutoShipAddress Boolean If shipping address is autoship address: True or False
ItemId Integer Reference item Id
County String County
UserId Guid User’s Guid Id
FirstName String User’s First Name
LastName String User’s Last Name
PhoneNumber String User’s Phone Number
FaxNumber String User’s Fax Number
Company String User’s Company Name
Address1 String User’s Address 1
Address2 String User’s Address 2
AddressName String User’s Address Name
City String User’s City
CountryId Guid User’s Country Id in Guid
RegionId Guid User’s Region Id in Guid
RegionName String Region name
Postal Code String User’s Postal Code
IsPrimary Boolean If this is Primary Billing Address: True or False
ActualAddressName String Actual address name
CountryName String Country name
AddressName String Address name
CountryText String Country text
RegionText String User’s Region Name
RowNum Integer Record Row Number
TotalRows Integer Total No. of Addresses
FullAddress String Full address
IsDistributorAddress Boolean If shipping address is a distributor address: True or False
IsPhoneVisible Boolean If Phone Info is Visible: True or False
IsFaxVisible Boolean If Fax Information is Visible: True or False
IsCompanyVisible Boolean If Company Information is Visible: True or False


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid
replicatedSiteName Yes Guid Relicated Site Name

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsMobile Boolean If Site is Mobile, value either true or false
CommonID Integer Common ID
SiteName String Site Name
SponsorGuid Guid Spronsor Guid
WebSite String WebSite
ActiveByPlacedOrder Boolean If site is active by placed order: True or False


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid
UserGuid Yes Guid User Guid

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsMobile Boolean If Site is Mobile, value either true or false
CommonID Integer Common ID
SiteName String Site Name
SponsorGuid Guid Spronsor Guid
WebSite String WebSite
ActiveByPlacedOrder Boolean If site is active by placed order: True or False


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid
replicatedCommonID Yes Integer Common Id of the user

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
IsMobile Boolean If Site is Mobile, value either true or false
CommonID Integer Common ID
SiteName String Site Name
SponsorGuid Guid Spronsor Guid
WebSite String WebSite
ActiveByPlacedOrder Boolean If site is active by placed order: True or False


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid
commonID Yes Integer Common Id

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process
UserStatus String User Status: Active or Deleted
ThisMonthFreeAutoShipOrFreeOrderAvailable Boolean If free autohip or free order is available this month: True or False
LastMonthQualifiedSales Integer Count of qualified sales last month
ThisMonthFreeAutoShiporFreeOrderUsed Boolean If free autoshop or free order used this month: True or False
NextMonthFreeAutoShipOrFreeOrderAvailable Boolean If free autoshop or free order available next month: True or False
ThisMonthQualifiedSales Integer Count of qualified sales this month
ThisMonthPendingAutoShipsCount Integer Count of pending autoships this month


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashkey Yes Guid Site Guid
AccountNumber Yes String User’s account number

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
UserID String User ID


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
accountNumber Yes String Distributor’s Account Number
customerType Optional Integer Customer Type in Integer format
APIStatus Optional String Customer’s API Status
sponsorId Yes Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Guid
firstName Yes String Customer’s First Name
lastName Yes String Customer’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Optional String Customer’s SSN Tax Number
BusinessTaxID Optional String Customer’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Customer’s Nick Name
password Yes String Customer’s Password
email Yes String Customer’s Email
website Yes String Customer’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Customer’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Customer’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Customer’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Yes String Customer’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Customer’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Customer’s cell Number
fax Optional String Customer’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Customer’s Salutation
middleName Optional String Customer’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Customer’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Customer’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Customer’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Customer’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Customer’s IMode
company Optional String Customer’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Customer’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Customer’s City
ShippingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Customer’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Yes String Customer’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Customer’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Customer’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Customer’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Customer’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Customer’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Customer’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Customer’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Customer’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Customer’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Customer’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Customer’s RSS Feed ID
PinterestId Optional String Customer’s Pinteres ID
InstagramId Optional String Customer’s Instagram ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if customer will be added in binary tree: True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if customer will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if customer will be added in unilevel tree: True or False
addressName Optional String Customer’s Address Name
county Optional String Customer’s County

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
accountNumber Yes String Distributor’s Account Number
customerType Optional Integer Customer Type in Integer format
APIStatus Optional String Customer’s API Status
sponsorId Yes Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Guid
firstName Yes String Customer’s First Name
lastName Yes String Customer’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Optional String Customer’s SSN Tax Number
BusinessTaxID Optional String Customer’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Customer’s Nick Name
password Yes String Customer’s Password
email Yes String Customer’s Email
website Yes String Customer’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Customer’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Customer’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Customer’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Yes String Customer’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Customer’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Customer’s cell Number
fax Optional String Customer’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Customer’s Salutation
middleName Optional String Customer’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Customer’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Customer’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Customer’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Customer’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Customer’s IMode
company Optional String Customer’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Customer’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Customer’s City
ShippingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Customer’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Yes String Customer’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Customer’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Customer’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Customer’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Customer’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Customer’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Customer’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Customer’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Customer’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Customer’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Customer’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Customer’s RSS Feed ID
PinterestId Optional String Customer’s Pinteres ID
InstagramId Optional String Customer’s Instagram ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if customer will be added in binary tree: True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if customer will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if customer will be added in unilevel tree: True or False
addressName Optional String Customer’s Address Name
county Optional String Customer’s County
eWalletFourDigitPIN Yes String Customer’s four(4) digit PIN code
eWalletSecretQuestionForPIN Yes String Customer’s secret question for the PIN
eWalletSecretAnswerForPIN Yes String Customer’s secret answer for the PIN

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
accountNumber Yes String Distributor’s Account Number
sponsorId Yes Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Guid
firstName Yes String Customer’s First Name
lastName Yes String Customer’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Optional String Customer’s SSN Tax Number
BusinessTaxID Optional String Customer’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Customer’s Nick Name
password Yes String Customer’s Password
email Yes String Customer’s Email
website Yes String Customer’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Customer’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Customer’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Customer’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Yes String Customer’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Customer’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Customer’s cell Number
fax Optional String Customer’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Customer’s Salutation
middleName Optional String Customer’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Customer’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Customer’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Customer’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Customer’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Customer’s IMode
company Optional String Customer’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Customer’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Customer’s City
ShippingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Customer’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Yes String Customer’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Customer’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Customer’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Customer’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Customer’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Customer’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Customer’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Customer’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Customer’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Customer’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Customer’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Customer’s RSS Feed ID
PinterestId Optional String Customer’s Pinteres ID
InstagramId Optional String Customer’s Instagram ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if customer will be added in binary tree: True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if customer will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if customer will be added in unilevel tree: True or False
addressName Optional String Customer’s Address Name
county Optional String Customer’s County
SSNTaxOption Optional String SSN Tax Option Code
CommissionPaymentMethodId Yes Integer Distributor’s Commission Method ID
UserSiteName Optional String Distributor Site name
freeMemberStatus Yes Boolean Either 1 or 0, indicate if free member or not
freeMemberReason Optional String Reason for being free member
freeMemberName Optional String Free Member Name
freeMemberDate Yes Date Free Membership Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
roleId Yes Integer Integer value representing Role Id
binaryPrefferSide Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Binary
matrixPrefferSide Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Matrix
spillingDirections Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Unilevel

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process
Output Guid Guid of the New Distributor


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
accountNumber Yes String Distributor’s Account Number
sponsorId Yes Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Guid
placementId Yes Guid Distributor’s Placement ID
firstName Yes String Customer’s First Name
lastName Yes String Customer’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Optional String Customer’s SSN Tax Number
BusinessTaxID Optional String Customer’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Customer’s Nick Name
password Yes String Customer’s Password
email Yes String Customer’s Email
website Yes String Customer’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Customer’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Customer’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Customer’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Yes String Customer’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Customer’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Customer’s cell Number
fax Optional String Customer’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Customer’s Salutation
middleName Optional String Customer’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Customer’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Customer’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Customer’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Customer’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Customer’s IMode
company Optional String Customer’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Customer’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Customer’s City
ShippingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Customer’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Yes String Customer’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Customer’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Customer’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Customer’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Customer’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Customer’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Customer’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Customer’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Customer’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Customer’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Customer’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Customer’s RSS Feed ID
PinterestId Optional String Customer’s Pinteres ID
InstagramId Optional String Customer’s Instagram ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if customer will be added in binary tree: True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if customer will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if customer will be added in unilevel tree: True or False
addressName Optional String Customer’s Address Name
county Optional String Customer’s County
SSNTaxOption Optional String SSN Tax Option Code
CommissionPaymentMethodId Yes Integer Distributor’s Commission Method ID
UserSiteName Optional String Distributor Site name
freeMemberStatus Yes Boolean Either 1 or 0, indicate if free member or not
freeMemberReason Optional String Reason for being free member
freeMemberName Optional String Free Member Name
freeMemberDate Yes Date Free Membership Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
roleId Yes Integer Integer value representing Role Id
binaryPrefferSide Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Binary
matrixPrefferSide Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Matrix
spillingDirections Yes Integer Provide value of this when you set true to Add in Unilevel
eWalletFourDigitPIN Yes String Customer’s four(4) digit PIN code
eWalletSecretQuestionForPIN Yes String Customer’s secret question for the PIN
eWalletSecretAnswerForPIN Yes String Customer’s secret answer for the PIN

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
userId Yes Guid Distributor’s User ID
accountNumber Yes String Distributor’s Account Number
sponsorId Yes Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Guid
firstName Yes String Customer’s First Name
lastName Yes String Customer’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Optional String Customer’s SSN Tax Number
BusinessTaxID Optional String Customer’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Customer’s Nick Name
password Yes String Customer’s Password
email Yes String Customer’s Email
website Yes String Customer’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Customer’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Customer’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Customer’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Yes String Customer’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Customer’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Customer’s cell Number
fax Optional String Customer’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Customer’s Salutation
middleName Optional String Customer’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Customer’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Customer’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Customer’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Customer’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Customer’s IMode
company Optional String Customer’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Customer’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Customer’s City
ShippingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Customer’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Yes String Customer’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Customer’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Customer’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Customer’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Customer’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Customer’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Customer’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Customer’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Customer’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Customer’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Customer’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Customer’s RSS Feed ID
PinterestId Optional String Customer’s Pinteres ID
InstagramId Optional String Customer’s Instagram ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if customer will be added in binary tree: True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if customer will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if customer will be added in unilevel tree: True or False

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
UserID Yes Guid Distributor’s User ID

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
UnDelete Boolean If undelete is successful, Value either true or false


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
billingId Yes Integer Billing ID
userId Yes Guid User ID
phoneNumber Yes String Phone Number
faxNumber Yes String Fax Number
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Billing Country Id
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Billing Region Id
BillingPostalCode Yes String Billing Postal Code

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
userId Yes Guid User ID
accountNumber Yes Integer Account Number

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
userId Yes Guid Distributor’s User ID
accountNumber Yes String Distributor’s Account Number
sponsorId Yes Guid Distributor’s Sponsor Guid
firstName Yes String Customer’s First Name
lastName Yes String Customer’s Last Name
SSNTaxNumber Optional String Customer’s SSN Tax Number
BusinessTaxID Optional String Customer’s Business Tax Number
userNickName Yes String Customer’s Nick Name
password Yes String Customer’s Password
email Yes String Customer’s Email
website Yes String Customer’s Website
instantMessenger Optional String Customer’s Instant Messenger
countryId Yes Guid Customer’s Country ID in Guid
regionId Yes Guid Customer’s Region ID in Guid
postalCode Yes String Customer’s Postal Code
phone Optional String Customer’s Phone Number
cell Optional String Customer’s cell Number
fax Optional String Customer’s Fax Number
salutation Optional String Customer’s Salutation
middleName Optional String Customer’s Middle Name
address1 Yes String Customer’s Address 1
address2 Optional String Customer’s Address 2
businessPhone Optional String Customer’s Business Phone Number
homePhone Optional String Customer’s Home Phone
iMode Optional String Customer’s IMode
company Optional String Customer’s Company Name
birthday Yes Date Customer’s Birth Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
city Yes String Customer’s City
ShippingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Customer’s Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Shipping Postal Code
BillingAddress1 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 1
BillingAddress2 Optional String Customer’s Billing Address 2
BillingCity Yes String Customer’s Billing City
BillingCountryId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Country ID
BillingRegionId Yes Guid Customer’s Billing Region ID
BillingPostalCode Optional String Customer’s Billing Postal Code
yahooId Optional String Customer’s Yahoo Id
MsnId Optional String Customer’s MSN ID
ICQId Optional String Customer’s ICQ ID
AIMId Optional String Customer’s AIM ID
SkypeId Optional String Customer’s Skype ID
FaceBookId Optional String Customer’s Facebook ID
TwitterId Optional String Customer’s Tweeter ID
LinkedInId Optional String Customer’s LinkedIn ID
GooglePlusId Optional String Customer’s Google Plus ID
YouTubeId Optional String Customer’s Youtube ID
RSSFeedId Optional String Customer’s RSS Feed ID
PinterestId Optional String Customer’s Pinteres ID
InstagramId Optional String Customer’s Instagram ID
AddInBinary Yes Boolean if customer will be added in binary tree: True or False
AddInMatrix Yes Boolean if customer will be added in matrix tree: True or False
AddInUnilevel Yes Boolean if customer will be added in unilevel tree: True or False

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
accountNumber Yes String Customer Account Number
APIStatus Yes String API Status

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
orderId Yes Integer Order ID
AMANumber Yes Integer AMA Number

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
orderId Yes Integer Order ID
Status Yes Integer Payment Status

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
orderId Yes Integer Order ID
Status Yes Integer Order Status

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
ShippingId Yes Integer Shipping Id
ShippingAddress1 Yes String Shipping Address 1
ShippingAddress2 Yes String Shipping Address 2
ShippingCity Yes String Shipping City
ShippingCountryId Yes Guid Shipping Country ID
ShippingRegionId Yes Guid Shipping Region ID
ShippingPostalCode Yes String Shipping Postal Code
UserId Yes Guid User ID in Guid
phoneNumber Yes String Phone Number
faxNumber Yes String Fax Number
firstName Yes String First Name
lastName Yes String Last Name
Company Yes String Company
County Yes String County
addressName Yes String Address Name

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
ActiveFlag Yes Boolean Active Flag: True or False

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
EmailId Yes String Email Address

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
SiteName Yes String Site Name

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
UserName Yes String User Name

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process

url -> client_website/Modules/MLM/WebServices/MPPE/MPPEWebServices/WSNotification.asmx



Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
UserId Yes Guid User’s Guid ID
CommonId Yes Int User’s Common ID
eventType Yes Int Event Type
UserStatusType Yes Int User Status Type
subscribtionType Yes Int Subscribtion Type
EnrollmentStartDate Yes String Enrollment Start Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy
EnrollmentEndDate Yes String Enrollment End Date; data format of mm/dd/yyyy

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process

url -> client_website/Modules/MLM/WebServices/MPPE/MPPEWebServices/WSSalesOrder.asmx



Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
StartDate Yes DateTime Start Date of sales order; DateTime format
FinishDate Yes DateTime Finish Date of sales order; DateTime format
Status Yes Int Status of sales order
CommissionType Yes Int Commission Type of sales order

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
hashKey Yes Guid Site Guid
StartDate Yes DateTime Start Date of sales order; DateTime format
FinishDate Yes DateTime Finish Date of sales order; DateTime format
Status Yes Int Status of sales order
CommissionType Yes Int Commission Type of sales order

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Success Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False
Message String Message for the process
OPERATION TYPES OF CommentAndSignUpNotifier

url -> client_website/WebServices/CommentAndSignUpNotifier.asmx



Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
name Yes String Name
email Yes String Email Address
phone Yes String Phone Number
typeOfComment Yes String Type of Comment
comments Yes String Comment(s)

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Boolean Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
name Yes String Name
email Yes String Email Address
country Yes String Country
state Yes String State
ownsProduct Yes String Own product

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Boolean Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False


Request Parameters

Parameter Required Data Type Description
name Yes String Name
email Yes String Email Address
subject Yes String Subject
csMessage Yes String CS Message

Response Values

Parameter Data Type Description
Boolean Boolean Indicator if API call succeeded returns True or False