Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/mobile-upgrade-sale/
Have You Upgraded Your MarketPowerPRO Software to a Mobile Responsive Website Yet?
Take advantage of our MarketPowerPRO Mobile Upgrade Sale available now, discounting your Mobile-Responsive Website upgrade by 50%! That’s right! If you act now, you can upgrade your website using any of the 18 available designs for only $500!
With less than 2 Weeks Remaining on our Mobile Upgrade Sale, NOW is the time to upgrade your MarketPowerPRO Website to a Mobile Responsive design!
By the numbers…
There are now more Mobile than Desktop Users on the internet globally.
US Smartphone penetration increased in every age demographic in 2016 with Millennials well over 90% and overall penetration approaching 80%.
Major Search Engines have switched to prioritizing Mobile-Optimized websites over Desktop-Optimized Websites in Search Results.
Multi-Platform usage has become the norm, requiring your website to be easily usable from the mobile devices your customers are using.
2 in 3 Digital Media minutes go to Mobile Device Users.
Mobile Spending accounted for $1 of every $6 in digital commerce for the US in 2015.
This discount is only available for the month of January! Don’t ignore it, Capture that mobile traffic! On February 1st, the upgrade price will go back up to it’s full rate of $1,000!
New Training Videos Available
Our team is constantly working to build the best training and help resources for our MarketPowerPRO Software. Check out some of the new training videos that were added this week!
Max Use of Credit Card
Adding Custom Attributes
Shopping Cart & Cart Settings
Trainer Logo
AutoShip Processing
Automatic Payment Allowed
Genealogy Downline Viewer Settings
Sales Tax Integration
Adding a Warehouse
Adding Inventory to a Warehouse
MarketPowerPRO Enhancements
This week all new font-awesome supported icons were added into the Menu Icon Selector. This includes new and updated icons for social media as well as icons for the hearing and visually impaired.
Industry News
Is The FTC Ramping up Regulation
of the MLM Industry?
by Charity (MLMLegal.com) Jan 8, 2017
Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Edith Ramirez argued on October, 2016 at the DSA Policy Conference that it was time to ratchet up regulation of the direct selling
industry, and not a time to “put the brakes” on more regulation of the $36 billion industry and its 20 million-strong sales force. The FTC and the Direct Selling industry are clearly of the same opinion of the basic goal that the direct selling industry should prosper through effective and ethical practices. However, FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez emphasized new legal standards that would abandon a 40-year old gold standard, the Amway Safeguards Rule, and that would also upend and call into question decades of industry accepted business practices.
Do You Know What It Takes to Launch Your Own MLM? Click Here to Discover the Secrets to Launching Your Very Own Network Marketing Marketing Company From Concept to Launch in JUST 10 Steps in 10 Days !!
More Resources For You:
Are you considering starting an MLM? Try a FREE 5 Day Demo of the Best MLM Software right here
What resources are you going to need to launch your MLM Company? From Consulting to Merchant Accounts, Legal to Sales Tax, Public Speaking to Warehousing / Logistics, and more...
Do You Know What Should You Be Looking for in an MLM Software Provider?
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Robert Proctor's Blog
- Skype: multisoftrob
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- Office: +1-239-945-6433
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