Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/mlm-startup-conference-las-vegas-feb-2017/
This is Robert Proctor, CEO & President of MultiSoft Corporation. If you already scheduled to attend the MLM Start-Up Conference please disregard this email – we look forward to seeing you there.
If you have not planned to attend I would like to invite you, along with Andrew Spary our Las Vegas Office General Manager, to be our guest at the MLM Start-Up Conference “Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company” on Wednesday, February 22nd and Thursday, February 23rd 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Learn it all from those who have advised (and started many), including Avon, Herbalife, Amway, NuSkin, USANA, Melaleuca, Nerium, Excel Telcom, ACN, Team National, Shaklee and more!
As a valued and appreciated client of MultiSoft Corporation we want to personally invite you and any other executive(s) from your organization to be our guest(s) at the conference. As our personal guest the registration fee of $195 will be fully waived; just mention this invitation from MultiSoft Corporation when calling 800-231-2162 for your reservation. We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and thank you for being a client of MultiSoft. There will be 15 noted industry speakers including Jeff Babener, Mike Sheffield, myself and many others who are ready, willing and able to answer any questions you may have and to provide insights to help you with your MLM business.
FREE MLM Startup Manual
Each attendee receives a FREE copy of the Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Manual. Some Chapters include:
Legal Issues
MLM Law in 50 States
FDA Health Claims: The Final Rules
The Snail that got Mugged: FTC v. Direct Selling
Start-up Issues
Incorporating the Network Marketer
Five Dynamics that Drive a MLM Company
Creating Your Next Million Dollar Product
Treasure Hunting for New Products
Compensation Plans
Compensation Plan Conversion: Direct Sales to MLM
Your Compensation Plan’s Competitive Edge
Communications and Media
Focus on the Mission… Not the Commission!
When the Media Calls… Who Answers the Phone?
An Action Conference
Over 30+ hours of FREE Consulting with MLM Industry Experts providing industry insights for executives of startup, emerging and established MLM companies.
Recruit, Recruit, Recruit
Some of the MLM Industry’s Top Distributors tell you how to find them, recruit them, and jump start recruiting and sales productivity
Legal Problems? No way!
MLM LEGAL 101, The MLM Law briefing and latest news
Startup Capital
How and where to fund the Startup and Emerging MLM
OK, You’re Not Bill Gates
E-Commerce – how to make it work. Recruiting, Sales, Retention.
The Compensation Plan
Party Plan, Binary, Matrix, Unilevel, StairStep, Australia Two Up…
Do You Know What It Takes to Launch Your Own MLM? Click Here to Discover the Secrets to Launching Your Very Own Network Marketing Marketing Company From Concept to Launch in JUST 10 Steps in 10 Days !!
More Resources For You:
Are you considering starting an MLM? Try a FREE 5 Day Demo of the Best MLM Software right here
What resources are you going to need to launch your MLM Company? From Consulting to Merchant Accounts, Legal to Sales Tax, Public Speaking to Warehousing / Logistics, and more...
Do You Know What Should You Be Looking for in an MLM Software Provider?
Did This Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below and shared on your favorite social media.

Robert Proctor's Blog
- Skype: multisoftrob
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: Facebook.com/robertmultisoft
- Office: +1-239-945-6433
- Mobile: +1-239-839-4904

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