Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/mlm-mobile-framework-now-available/
We are pleased to announce today you can now upgrade your MarketPowerPRO MLM software site to a mobile (responsive/adaptive) website. With Google’s impending switch to mobile-first indexing, making you MLM mobile friendly is essential.
You may recall several months ago we introduced the brand-new drag-and-drop WYSIWYG content editor with 450 page layouts you could implement on any page in your website. This was the start of preparing for the MarketPowerPRO mobile responsive and adaptive website design system.
We are pleased to inform you as of today we have completed the mobile adaptive framework which is now available for upgrade on your website.
This means all the front-end public pages including your home page, the internal pages, your shopping cart, the distributor enrollment system, retail customer shopping cart and sign up, distributor and customer log in as well as the policies and procedures, terms and conditions, privacy policy and much more can now be made available for mobile implementation.
Statistically, over 50% of the visitors to your website are using a mobile device and over 16% of your visitors are using a tablet device. This means you have potentially 66% of visitors to your website requiring a mobile (responsive / adaptive) layout. If your website is not mobile ready you are potentially losing some if not all those potential customers, distributors, and sales.
MultiSoft is now offering you the ability to upgrade your current website to the MarketPowerPRO mobile adaptive responsive system as follows.
• We have developed 16 professional website designs which are completely mobile adaptive responsive available; you can view all the designs here: http://www.mlmbuilder.com/site-design/. For a one-time fee of only $500 MultiSoft will update your current website design to any one of these new website designs. This will include updating the home page and internal page designs to the new design selecting, implementing your logo, modifying the site design colors to match your logo, and copying over your current home page into the new look and feel to be 100% mobile.
• If you want to retain your current website design and have it converted to mobile (adaptive / responsive) the one-time design modification to mobile is only $2500. Your website will retain its current look, feel and design however it will become mobile (adaptive / responsive) ready.
It is important to understand the internal pages will not be mobile adaptive responsive until they are placed into the new drag-and-drop editor that was rolled out several months ago to you at no-charge.
If you have not done so already you can go in and update all your pages at no charge to the new drag-and-drop editor. If, however you would prefer MultiSoft update your pages to make your mlm mobile friendly and adaptive responsive using the new drag-n-drop system, we can do so at a fee of only $100 per page; regardless if the page scrolls for one time or 5 times past the scroll it’s only a cost of $100 per page.
If you are interested in upgrading to the MarketPowerPRO mobile (responsive / adaptive) framework please e-mail us at sales@multisoft, contact your account executive, or call us directly at 239-945-6433 during normal U.S. hours to speak with your account executive or a customer support representative to begin the process of moving forward with your new mobile adaptive responsive website design. Let’s make your MLM mobile friendly today.
Thank you very much
Robert Proctor
CEO / President
MultiSoft Corporation
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