Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/mlm-coaching-ray-higdon/
Do You Want Your Network Marketing Company to Become a Success Story instead of a Statistic? MLM Training will often be your deciding factor.
Hi, this is Robert Proctor, President of MultiSoft Corporation and I want to talk to you about how to develop massive success in your network marketing company through proper mentoring and coaching for both you and your distributors.
As an entrepreneur, I’m sure that you’re already aware of the hurdles we face in the MLM and Network Marketing Industries. MultiSoft has been working in the MLM space for almost 30 years, we’ve launched over a thousand companies and we’ve helped many of them grow into very successful and profitable companies. This unique position in the industry has also given us a front row seat and while some succeed, we’ve also seen many that do not.
Worldwide there are over 125 million people involved in direct selling, 20+ million in the USA alone and estimated retail sales reaching $200+ billion, over 30 billion in the USA alone. Direct Selling outpaced the growth in traditional retail sales and the US GDP for 2015. Yet, an estimated 90% of Multi Level Marketing Companies do not survive long term. Why do some MLM’s achieve success, often overnight, while many others fail? There can be many different reasons behind this.
As you’ve probably heard me say “when you raise the tide all boats float.” Our success hinges on yours and we want to help you with everything we can to give you and your company the absolute best opportunity to be successful.
That’s why MultiSoft Corporation has created a strategic alignment with Ray and the Higdon Group to help grow YOUR business.
Ray Higdon is a master of the Multi-Level Marketing arena. After losing everything he had in real estate during the housing crisis, he decided he was sick of corporate America and moved into the MLM / Direct Selling industry. After building and operating an incredible multi-million dollar network marketing empire for several years he retired from Multi-Level Marketing and now focuses his time on creating training and materials to help other entrepreneurs achieve their own success.
Ray is an excellent resource and we recommend that you at the very least look into his free content. He can help grow your teams faster, expand your brand using the internet, and build better, more profitable relationships.
Do You Know What It Takes to Launch Your Own MLM? Click Here to Discover the Secrets to Launching Your Very Own Network Marketing Marketing Company From Concept to Launch in JUST 10 Steps in 10 Days !!
More Resources For You:
Are you considering starting an MLM? Try a FREE 5 Day Demo of the Best MLM Software right here
What resources are you going to need to launch your MLM Company? From Consulting to Merchant Accounts, Legal to Sales Tax, Public Speaking to Warehousing / Logistics, and more...
Do You Know What Should You Be Looking for in an MLM Software Provider?
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Robert Proctor's Blog
- Skype: multisoftrob
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- Office: +1-239-945-6433
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