Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/joint-venture-social-gamification/
Scottsdale, AZ – December 7, 2015 – TCF Technology, LLC., the premier provider of social-selling gamification software (www.GetSocialToolkit.com) today announced a joint venture with MultiSoft (www.MultiSoft.com), a specialty Network Marketing SAAS MLM Software company, to provide social marketing technology to MultiSoft’s expansive customer and distributor base. The joint venture will enable MultiSoft clients to implement gamification solutions to help implement distributor engagement, increase distributor retention and facilitate increase product sales.
Mark Vange, co-founder at TCF, said, “We are excited about working with MultiSoft’s industry-leading MarketPowerPRO platform. Our seamless integration with MarketPowerPRO allows us to help MultiSoft’s clients be even more successful in attracting, training and retaining both distributors and customers.”
Robert Proctor, President of MultiSoft Corporation stated, “We believe TFC’s Social ToolKit is a “revolutionary game changer” in how network marketers and sales teams learn about and share their companies’ products, services and opportunities with others.
Since 1987, MultiSoft has had a front-row seat to witness the reason some network marketing companies achieve measurable if not great successes while others fail. We know firsthand that successful distributors (sales associates) have a DMO (daily method of operation) and take multiple actions on a consistent daily basis to grow their businesses.
The Social ToolKit, with its customizable challenge sets, is exactly like having a coach or mentor sitting next to you every day. The Toolkit shows you the steps you need to take to grow your business, while helping you leverage your social networks and relationships to maximize your sales potential. Distributors also can take advantage of the Social Toolkit through offline marketing to both warm and cold markets in the sales associates DMO.
As children, we were conditioned to be reinforced with gold stars, incentives and rewards when we completed small achievable tasks. The Social ToolKit takes this concept into the digital age by rewarding distributors who have completed their challenges with stars, trophies, gifts, financial incentives and more. The challenges and rewards are limited only by the imagination of company owners and / or marketing departments.
“We could not be more excited about our joint venture and integration with TCF Technology and The Social ToolKit; we believe this is the next evolution of social commerce on a massive scale not seen before.”
About TCF Technology
With interaction and communication moving ever-more-rapidly towards social networks, users require new tools to engage and interact with the world. Mobile lives need mobile tools, and TCF Technology brings mobility to Social Selling by leveraging communication where users live: on their mobile devices. TCF’s “Get Social Toolkit” utilizes Gamification to help people get started in social selling, and provides the right information and resources to help them stay motivated and engaged. Keeping things simple requires the best technology and information, and TCF’s Social Toolkit provides the tools and analytics for social sellers to help build and grow successful businesses.
About MultiSoft and MarketPowerPRO
In operation since 1987, MultiSoft Corporation develops MLM software applications for the network marketing, multilevel marketing, direct sales and party plan industries. From incubation and consulting through online real-time enterprise software solutions, MultiSoft Corporation is a trusted name in the network marketing, multi-level marketing and direct sales arenas.
MarketPowerPRO (www.MarketPowerPRO.com) is MultiSoft Corporation’s flagship point and click MLM based software application which empowers network marketing companies to manage their business 24x7x365 without relying on webmasters, designers or techies.
The MarketPowerPRO MLM software web-based application manages every function of a network marketing, MLM, and direct sales business more effectively. MarketPowerPRO MLM software ties key business operations together, including replicated websites, eCommerce/shopping, distributor enrollment and management, commission plans, inventory management, marketing, sales, shipping, and receiving. It is the preferred choice for hundreds of businesses throughout the US, Canada, South America, Europe and Asia. More information visit: www.multisoft.com and www.marketpowerpro.com.
For more Information Contact:
Robert Proctor
MultiSoft Corporation
1723 SE 47th Terrace
Cape Coral, FL 33904
[email protected]
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