Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/happy-new-year-2016-multisoft/
We want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year in 2016 from all of us at MultiSoft. We have some new updates and features going into effect that we’re sure you’ll be excited about too
Update – Leader Board Enhancements
Thanks to input, feedback, and suggestions from you, our MarketPowerPRO valued clients, we have modified the recently introduce new Leader Board in your distributor’s back office as follows:
Administrators can now pre-set the number of records that will be displayed in your leader board. So now if you only want to display the top 25 distributors or top 10 distributors you can. This is especially helpful for new clients that have a limited number of distributors.
New – Menu Management Icons
If you have not heard of Font Awesome you soon will as this custom icon system is showing up everywhere and being embedded into content management systems including WordPress, GoDaddy, Wix, Weebly and many others. The Font Awesome system with over 650 custom icons is now available in your menu management system. Until now we and you had to “hard-code” the path of icons or hard-code Font Awesome icons into the menus. Additionally, the menus would not properly space and looked out of order. Those days are gone and you can now search for, select, size and colorize over 650 Font Awesome icons in the menu management system. Watch for this Font Awesome system to start showing up in other locations throughout MarketPowerPRO in the coming months.
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More Resources For You:
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Do You Know What Should You Be Looking for in an MLM Software Provider?
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Robert Proctor's Blog
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