Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/color-coded-genealogy/
You asked for it, we built it – and now you can take advantage of it. Do you want to display the distributor nodes in your binary, matrix or unilevel genealogy by different colors?
Do you want to show different colors per rank? Do you want to have different icons, pins, stars, jewels, cups, etc. per distributor rank (i.e. gold star, silver star, diamond, blue diamond, etc.). Well, now you can!! Simply create a help desk ticket here and provide the list of ranks and colors to use per rank (note, you must provide the exact HEX color, not just “gold” or “blue” per rank) – you can use this tool (http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp) to generate the exact hex color. Do you want to use icons instead (jewels or stars, etc.)? You can provide the image (approximately 60 pixels wide by 60 pixels tall will look best) with a transparent background.
Contact a MultiSoft Corporation Customer Service Representative or your Account Executive with any further information regarding the new Color Code.
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