Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/calendar-event-module/
Introducing MultiSoft’s new Calendar and Event Module, The driving force behind successful network marketing companies is momentum and events create momentum.
Simply put, the purpose to have an event is to promote the next event and events are where you reward and recognize leadership, train and educate your distributors, introduce new products, discuss the compensation plan and bring potential distributors to learn about the products and business opportunity. The DMO (daily method of operation) in your company must be about “the next event” – events drive momentum!! Events can be as simple as a weekly conference call or as massive as a 25,000 seat arena; it’s completely up to you and your imagination.
As Eric Worre says:
“In network Marketing, meetings make money… meeting people one on one, in small groups, or at local or bigger events, will have a huge impact on the long-term success of any network marketing organization.”
But, how do your distributors find out about your events? Simply, you must inform them and you must do that on your corporate website, in your distributor’s back office and if possible you do it visually (as the saying goes, a picture is worth 1000 words). Ok lets face it the old “calendar” view, such as what you find in Google, is dead; your visitors have to click around the dates and hope to find an event or they have to read text on each calendar date to see when the next event is and then you have to hope they click on the link.
Well, just like everything in our lives – disruption is everywhere, so it’s time to disrupt the old style calendar view of yesterday. Multisoft is pleased and proud to introduce to you, our valued and appreciated client, a brand new visual calendar system that will help your distributors, customers and visitors to your site quickly find your next company event – whether it be a conference call, a local hotel meeting or a national launch – the tools are in your hands.
Introducing the all new, completely re-built from the ground up, “Visual” Calendar and Event Module. The new Calendar and Event Module is so visually appealing with its graphical and slick slider view, your distributors will be enticed to check it all the time to see what’s going on in your company.
To view the new calendar system and how to use it, before accessing it in your back office, Click Here to watch it on our Vimeo Channel or Click Here to watch it on your YouTube Channel. If you need to have this added to your Company menu and require assistance please submit a ticket in the MarketPowerPRO Help Desk or contact a CSR by calling our offices. If you are on separate MarketPowerPRO source code and the new Calendar and Event system is not available please contact your MultiSoft Account Executive to determine if it’s available to be added.
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Robert Proctor's Blog
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