Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog at https://multisoft.com/announcing-amazon-pay/
MultiSoft Corporation, a Network Marketing, Party Plan, Direct Sales Software Company announced today they have integrated the Amazon Pay payment platform into their MarketPowerPRO MLM software system.
The Amazon Pay platform allows customers and distributors to make and pay for their purchases on MarketPowerPRO powered websites via their Amazon account and their existing pre-saved payment preferences. The feature will provide added convenience and ease of use for distributors and shoppers on client websites. Amazon currently has over 300 million active user accounts, over 50 million of them Amazon Prime accounts, and exceeded 135 billion dollars in net sales in 2015. With a reported 27% year over year growth, the number of Amazon customers is expected to continue to increase further benefitting e-commerce companies with the capability to utilize this payment method.
In the world of online shopping, convenient and trusted payment methods are among some of the most important factors for customers looking to make purchases. Processing payments quickly and with platforms that customers are familiar with and trust can make the difference between a completed online sale and losing the shopper to another website.
MultiSoft Corporation is proud to be the first and only USA-based MLM, Direct Selling, Party Plan and Network Marketing software provider to offer this feature to their clients.
Robert Proctor, President of MultiSoft Corporation had this to say:
“Network marketing companies, in an ongoing effort to reach more retail customers in the ever-expanding e-commerce marketplace, must constantly look to new and alternative payment methods to simplify their customer’s shopping experience and expand the potential marketing reach and customer base for their distributors.
In the already difficult-to-obtain and ever-scrutinizing underwriting process by traditional merchant account and payment gateway providers, we believe providing our current and future clients with an integration to Amazon Pay will provide them an enhanced speed-to-market platform to accept credit card payments as well as expand their potential customer base.”
Get your Amazon Pay account setup and activated on your MarketPowerPRO website today! Click on the link below to get started!
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