You have the ability to add custom links to your menus, are you using them?
Originally Published on the MultiSoft Blog:
Your website is the go-to location for the information your distributors need to do their jobs and to be successful within your organization. It’s where they go for all their communications with you and where they go when they’re placing orders or referring others.
So, when it comes to things you want to show them, whether that be a file such as an ebook, pdf, or video, or an external link to another page you want to put it where it’s most easily accessible to them. Now, you could just put a link to that file or web page on a page in your site, the distributor back-office for example. But if this is a link to resources you think they may use on a regular basis, it’s better to put it where they’re sure to see it rather than hoping they’ll find it on a specific page.
The most accessible portion of your website is your menus. They’re the one thing that’s a constant on every page. So why not add those links directly to your menus? Whether it’s to the public menus, or the distributor, or administrator menus on the backend of your site – you have the ability to add new menu items and set custom links.
To learn more about adding custom links to your menus, click on the link below to watch the how-to video!
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